Independence Historic Conditions Assessments

Rosin Preservation prepared conditions assessments and maintenance plans for four historic City-owned properties – the Bingham Waggoner Estate (main house and six outbuildings), the Vaile Mansion, the Waggoner-Gates Milling Company Office (part of the National Frontier Trails Museum Complex), and the 1827 Log Courthouse. These historic sites are important to the community as tourist destinations and event locations.

The Vaile Mansion, Bingham Wagoner Estate, 1827 Log Courthouse are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and are designated as Independence Historic Landmarks. Local landmark status requires that exterior changes meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and be pre-approved by the Independence Heritage Commission. The City commissioned this report to help better understand these requirements and to provide a roadmap for future preservation. The common goal of all parties is to maintain the historic character of the property, particularly those elements that are highly visible to the public. The National Frontier Trails Museum Complex is a Preserve America certified structure. While the property is not a local landmark or listed in the National Register of Historic Places, it is an important part of the City’s built environment and has ties to the Bingham-Waggoner Estate, a National Register-listed property immediately south of the Museum Complex. Therefore, the City requested that changes made to the exterior follow the same guidelines as the local landmark properties.

Rosin Preservation evaluated the exterior and interior of each property and used the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and for Restoration to develop a guide for decision-makers as they undertake future maintenance and repairs. Focusing on exterior building elements, such as roof, masonry, wood cladding and trim, and significant interior spaces and materials, the plans outline treatment strategies appropriate to the age and functions of the buildings; present a timeline for anticipated repairs and for routine maintenance activities; and estimate the costs that will be associated with each scope of work.


Independence, MO
